Do you remember the days, as a young child, when you could sit in your room for hours all by yourself as long as you had your imagination to play with? Or, can you recall, as a teenager, having grandiose fantasies about how you were going to become world-renowned for your innovative contributions to the planet? Or, maybe you remember a time when you were the ultimate optimist and everyone else seemed so unnecessarily pessimistic?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions– you were in-tune with your imagination! Whether it came in the form of having make-believe friends, visualizing your future, or creating fictional stories about traveling to faraway places with your BFF– you were implementing the power of your imagination. Sadly, however, many of us grow to suppress our natural inclination to enjoy the playground of daydreaming without restrictions. Because of harsh parenting, societal judgments, experiencing trauma, or having your dreams squashed over and over again, you, like millions of other people, may have become dismissive of your dreams, maybe even cynical about life or your future.
Well, it’s time to interrupt this negative feedback loop and get back in touch with your inner world of play and imagination! Don’t know how to get started? Try the following:
So go ahead and make space in your daily life for imaginary play. While this challenge might be easier for parents of young children to fulfill, keep in mind that it’s possible to play in our minds at any age.
Happy daydreaming!
© Copyright Dr. Debra Mandel – All rights reserved.